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NexLine's cornerstones on Platinum

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The italian magazine "Il Sole 24 Ore" dedicates an article to our company reality

The March 2021 issue of Platinum, a prestigious magazine attached to Il Sole 24 Ore, dedicates a long article to Nex Line within the Dossier Lombardia.

The article begins by telling about our 2020, the year of the health emergency, but also the key year that led to the transfer of the company to the new headquarters, thus expressing our confidence and our desire to bet on the years to come.

Versatility, precision, readiness and comfort, the cornerstones of Nex Line, are widely reported in the two pages dedicated to us, underlining how our company is characterized by efficiency and accuracy in the processing of aluminium alloy extruded profiles both in terms of cutting, machining and blanking, and in terms of delivery speed.

The article also mentions Nex Line's full availability to offer spaces for the possible inoculation of serums to citizens, responding to the invitation of Confindustria, which urged to use the factories of companies as possible vaccination centers.

For us it is always an honor to be present on the pages of a magazine that for more than 25 years tells the Italian excellence and the best of the Italian business scene.

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Logo Confindustria - Nex Line
Logo BSI - ISO 9001 - Nex Line
Logo Associazione Industriali Brescia - Nex Line
Logo #iopagoifornitori - Nex Line